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Mayor Oscar B. Goodman City Hall, Tenth Floor, 400 Stewart Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Erecting a hate monument in Las Vegas is highly improper
Dear Mayor Goodman,
As concerned American citizens of Turkish heritage and members of Turkish Society living in Nevada, we were deeply saddened and hurt by the news that you have "... announced the city's commitment to dedicate land..." for an Armenian Genocide Memorial in Centennial Plaza in downtown Las Vegas. An Armenian newspaper boasts that you have made this announcement "...during the annual April 24 commemoration, which was also attended by all three Nevada congressmen, Rep. Jon Porter, Rep. Shelley Berkley, and Rep. Jim Gibbons, as well as a representative from Sen. John Ensign's office..."
We oppose the use of the term genocide in connection with the Turkish-Armenian conflict during World War I. Genocide is a highly charged, technical, legal term, precisely defined by the United Nations in 1948, and can only be used after a "competent tribunal" reaches that verdict after proper "due process". There are no court verdicts, such as Nuremberg, clearing the way for this term to be used in connection with the Turkish-Armenian conflict during WWI [1] The British had attempted to try the Turkish leadership of the alleged war crimes; failed to come up with any supporting evidence that could stand the scrutiny of a court of law right ; and eventually had to let the Turkish detainees go without filing a single charge. [2] That is why the British government, to this day, will refuse to regard this human tragedy that engulfed Armenians, Turks, and other inhabitants of the area a genocide despite pressure and threats from the Armenian Diaspora. [3] Similarly, neither the United States [4] nor Israel [5] will bow the intimidating pressure by the Armenian Diaspora to call the tragedy a genocide.
Dear Mayor,
You hold a law degree and have been a successful trial lawyer in the past. You, above all else, should know the difference between allegations and facts. Armenian charges of genocide are yet-to-be-proven "allegations", not incontrovertible facts. In the absence of a verdict by a competent court, therefore, all the civilized and decent people of the world must use the qualifier "alleged" before the phrase "Armenian Genocide", let alone erecting a monument it on public land.
No one is trying to minimize the suffering of the Armenians; but Armenian suffering must not blind one to the much larger suffering of the Turks and other Muslims of the same era and area, mostly caused by the brutal acts of greedy and vicious Armenian revolutionaries supported by invaders bent on destroying the Ottoman Empire ( Britain, France, and Russia and their Ottoman-Christian proxies.) Calling it genocide would unfairly place all the blame on Turks whereas it was the Ottoman-Armenian revolutionaries that first poisoned the 800 years of mostly harmonious Turkish-Armenian co-habitation in Anatolia with their revolts and treason. [6] We would not oppose Armenians' recognition of Armenian losses if their memorial was named a more realistic "The Armenians' War Memorial."
Dear Mayor, we know that you will do the right thing. Peace in our time,
[1] Revisiting the Armenian Genocide - Middle East Quarterly , Guenter Lewy
[2] , "The Malta Tribunal : Case Closed Due To Lack Of Evidence", Bilal N. Simsir
[3] , British Sources Refuting The Alleged Armenian Genocide
[4] , American Sources Refuting The Alleged Armenian Genocide
[5] , Israeli and Jewish Sources Refuting The Alleged Armenian Genocide
[6] "The Armenian Issue Revisited: Testimony" by Justin McCarthy at the House International Committee also
[7] , Armenian Terrorism: Then And Now
[8] , "Turkish Last Names : Honest Story Tellers", Ergun Kirlikovali
[9] ] Why it was a tragedy of war, Bruce Fein
[10] , Connecting The Dots On The "Alleged" Armenian Genocide [11] , The Andonian "Documents" Attributed to Talat Pasha Are Forgeries, By Professor Türkkaya ATAÖV
Lettre Témoin (Française):
Monsieur Le Député,
Depuis longtemps les relations de la République Turque, candidat à l’Union européenne, sont en train de gagner une nouvelle dimension entre les pays Occidentaux. On va justifier que l’Europe, avec le déclenchement de la candidature de la Turquie à l’Union européenne, n’est pas un club chrétien et est une communauté basée sur des valeurs humanitaires et démocratiques. Personne ne doute que la candidature de la Turquie à l’Union européenne donne naissance aux conséquences extrêmement positives à la fois pour la nation turque et européenne. Avec l’admission de la Turquie au membre de l’Union, l’Europe non seulement gagnera un marché de 70 millions, mais aussi obtiendra une porte qui s’ouvre au Moyen Orient, Moyen Asie et aux pays islamiques. Avec le membre de la Turquie à l’Union européenne, ceux qui prévoient le conflit des civilisations se tromperont alors que ceux qui défendent la paix universelle seront renforcés. Terminée son évolution économique, laïque et démocratique la République Turque, sera un modèle à la fois pour les pays du Moyen Orient et à ceux des Caucasiens. Conscient de ce qui passe l’opinion publique turque considère l’Union européenne comme un projet de civilisation le plus grand et approuve la participation à l’Union européenne avec une majorité de 90%. Il faut que vous répondiez franchement et sans préjuger à l’attente du peuple turc défendant la sécurité de l’Europe pendant la guerre froide et que vous encouragiez l’opinion publique turque pour une coopération de plus près avec l’Union européenne.
Malheureusement avec l’influence de certains milieux fanatiques, le Parlement européen a pris certaines décisions injustes, ce qui a déçu l’opinion publique turque. Parmi ces décisions se trouvent celles destinées à la reconnaissance du soi-disant génocide des arméniens. Ces décisions prises sous l’influence des associations arméniennes et des lobbies racistes, sans écouter les points de vue de la Turquie, ne correspondent pas aux valeurs démocratiques et humanitaires que défend le Parlement européen et cela laisse des soupçons profonds dans l’esprit du peuple turc.
Sous des conditions lourdes de la première guerre mondiale en 1915 pour arrêter les massacres que causent les rebelles arméniennes, l’exode que l’Empire ottoman avait fait est présenté comme un massacre par les organisations arméniennes. Nombreux scientifiques occidentaux, non pas les historiens turcs, se sont exprimés que le soi-disant génocide des arméniens n’était qu’un mensonge controuvé et que les réalités historiques étaient détournées. Dans leur recherche Gilles Veinstein, un historien français; Bernard Lewis, un spécialiste en Moyen Orient, Justin McCarthy, Samuel Weems et une centaine de scientifiques ont justifié que ce qui avait vécu en 1915, n’était pas un génocide. Mais malheureusement est survenue la terreur arménienne dans le domaine scientifique et ces scientifiques ont subi des menaces et pressions intenses des arméniens. Les Arméniens ont appliqué des méthodes incroyables pour que ces recherches ne soient pas connues par l’opinion.
En exploitant des valeurs comme les droits de l’homme et la démocratie, les organisations arméniennes racistes, d’une part se sont efforcées d’obtenir des intérêts spirituels et financiers, d’autre part n’ont pas hésité à avoir recours à la terreur. Vous ne pouvez pas avoir oublié que l’organisation terroriste arménienne dite ”ASALA” avait assassiné les diplomates turcs et même les civils innocents jusqu’à 1984. En plus je voudrais vous rappeler que ces crimes ont été vécus en Europe. Ces réseaux sanglants, sous le masque des organisations de communautés civiles et d’associations, tentent de faire des actes pour saboter les relations turco-européennes. Le seul but des ces milieux fascistes qui n’ont pas tiré de leçons de l’histoire est d’établir la grande Arménie avec les territoires arrachés de la Turquie, Azerbaïdjan et Géorgie. Les occupations que l’on vit à Karabakh en ce moment, les massacres appliqués aux azéris et l’épuration ethnique en est la preuve la plus concrète du plan sinistre. Depuis 10 années les territoires d’Azerbaïdjan sont occupés par les Arméniens et à cause de l’épuration ethnique, des centaines de milles azéris sont en train de vivre loin de leur territoire. Je vous conseille de ne pas oublier que ceux qui défendent les victimes du génocide de 1915 ont massacré des milliers de civils à Karabakh à la fin du 20’ème siècle.
Monsieur le député, sous la lumière de ce que je viens de citer en haut je vous appèle à vous opposer à la propagande injuste des organisations arméniennes pro-terroristes. Rendre la paix durable en Europe, mettre fin aux conflits en Caucase, sauver les territoires d’Azerbaïdjan de l’occupation arménienne et renvoyer chez eux les azéris soumis à une épuration ethnique est votre devoir de l’humanité. Vos décisions pour le soi-disant génocide encourageraient l’impérialisme et la terreur arménienne. De plus ces décisions blessent profondément le peuple turc qui a perdu 3 millions et demi de gens pendant la première guerre mondiale. C’est le drame que la plupart des gens qui ont perdu leur vie subissent des attaques des bandes arméniennes. Vos décisions récompensent les agresseurs et attristent les innocents. C’est pourquoi je vous demande de prendre des mesures pour compenser l’atmosphère négative de la décision du 18 juillet 1987.
Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur le député, l’assurance de ma considération.
Lettre Témoin (Anglaise):
Dear Parliamentarian,
The relations of Turkish Republic to Western world, which has been a candidate for EU membership for a long time, are about to gain a new dimension. With the start of the membership negotiations with Turkey in 2004 by EU, it would be proven that the European Union is a union based on democratic and human values rather than being only a Christian club. Nobody calls it into question that Turkey’s EU membership will bring very positive results for both Europe and Turkish people. By accepting Turkey to the membership, EU will not only acquire a seventy million market but also it will have a robust door opening to the Middle East, Central Asia and Islamic countries. With Turkey’s EU membership the ones who defend universal peace will gain strength while those who provide for the clash of the civilizations lose ground. A democratic and secular Turkey Republic that has completed her economic development will continue to more effectively play her role of being a good sample for regional countries, especially the Middle East and Caucasia. The Turkish public opinion fully aware of these facts accepts the EU as the greatest civilization project and approves Turkey’s EU membership with a majority reaching 90%. You would certainly appreciate the fact that Europe must sincerely respond to this expectation of the Turkish people, having defended the security of Europe during the Cold War era by paying big prices, without prejudice and Turkish public opinion must be encouraged to make closer cooperation with EU.
Influenced by certain fanatic circles, European Parliament has, unfortunately, taken some decisions, which are wrong, even disappointing the Turkish people. Of these decisions the ones regarding recognition of the alleged Armenian genocide draw special attention. The decisions approved in the Parliament, where the Turkish representatives have not existed, without hearing Turkey’s position in this respect which have been taken with influence of extreme-racist Armenian associations and lobbies contradict the human and democratic values the European Parliament defend and cause deep doubts in the minds of Turkish people.
Today, some Armenian organizations try the deportation the Ottoman administration practiced under the severe conditions of the World War I in 1915 in order to prevent the massacres caused by Armenian risings, to present as genocide. Not only Turkish historians but also many Western scientists have clearly stated the fact that the alleged Armenian genocide is fictitious and the historical truths have been deviated. The researches of French Gilles Veinstein, Middle East specialist Bernard Lewis, Justin McCarthy, Samuel Weems and many more scientists have proven that the events occurred in 1915 is not a genocide. The Armenian terror has, unfortunately, displayed itself also in the scientific field, and these researchers have been exposed to massive threats and pressures. Incredible methods have been employed to prevent the public opinion from being informed about the researches of these scientists.
Racist Armenian organizations have exploited such values as democracy and human rights, to which the European public opinion shows a great sensitivity, in an unfair manner and tried to acquire physical and moral advantage while they have not hesitated from employing terror. I am sure you remember that the Armenian terror organization called ASALA has massacred tens of Turkish diplomats in particular and many innocent civilians until 1984. Moreover, I would like to remind you that a big part of these murders have been experienced in Europe. These bloody murder networks have made great efforts to sabotage the increasingly good relations between the EU and Turkey under the cover of democratic civil society organizations or associations for a long time. The real intention of these fanatic Armenian organizations drawing hatred and enmity from the history instead of learning a lesson is not defending a humanitarian matter. The purpose of these fascist groups is to establish Great Armenia by obtaining some territories from Turkey in particular, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The occupation of Karabagh, massacres on Azerbaijani people and ethnical cleansing are the most concrete evidence for this insidious plan. The Armenian rebels have occupied 20% of Azerbaijani territory for ten years and one million two hundred thousand Azerbaijani people have been displaced and are currently living far from their homeland due to the ethnical cleansing. I propose you to keep in mind that those who introduce themselves to you as the victims of an alleged 1915 genocide have brutally massacred thousands of Azerbaijani civilians in the city Khodjali in Karabagh at the end of 20th Century.
Dear Parliamentarian, I would like to invite you to oppose the untruthful propaganda of the Armenian organizations not hesitating to employ violence under the light of the facts I have tried to explain you. It is a obligation of humanity for you to stand against the Armenian expansionism in order to ensure a permanent peace in our Europe, make an end to the conflicts in Caucasus, save the Azerbaijani territory from the occupation and ensure the one million two hundred thousand Azerbaijani people, who have been exposed to ethnical cleansing, returning to their homes. Your decisions taken 18.07.1987, which were in favor of the alleged genocide, encourage Armenian terror and expansionism. Moreover, these decisions deeply hurt the Turkish people having suffered a three and a half million loss during the World War I. And it is a big tragedy that most of the Turkish victims who have lost their lives have been exposed to attacks of Armenian rebels who have seen war as a great opportunity. Your decisions reward the aggressors while they lead the innocent people to great sorrow. I hope, therefore, you will take decisions that will eliminate the adverse effects of your decision taken 18.07.1987.
Yours faithfully.
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